At 3D Security and Response Services (3DSRS), we take the time to ensure that our guards understand building systems and are trained specifically to look for areas of concern to bring to the manager’s attention. Recognizing that no two sites are the same, 3DSRS specifically designs their patrols to best protect the site, using security best practices, building operations knowledge, and their accredited certification in physical security.
Navigating budget constraints to make room for security can often be difficult. As a matter of fact, some organizations do not even undertake this task until circumstances force it upon them.
It is almost axiomatic in the security industry that security budgets are set at the bare minimum (if they even exist) until after something bad happens – then, all of sudden, money can be found to protect the property and residents. As one of the most popular 3D Security quotes states: “Security is always seen as too much until the day it is not enough” (William Webster, former FBI).
A Mobile Patrol Guard is the same as a Static Security Guard who, instead of being posted at one site, travels between different sites throughout a shift. Like standard static Guards, mobile Guards are also capable of performing a wide variety of safety and security checks throughout the shift. Examples of this would be ensuring all exterior doors are locked or unlocked (as per a set schedule), ensuring all safety issues (ex. lights bulbs, exit signs, fire panels, etc.) are functioning properly, and ensuring the property is free from trespassers (to name a few).
One of the criticisms of properties without security is that, should (when?) an intruder bypasses the building envelope security solutions (locks, cameras, etc.) they will have free access to all the buildings assets. Unless the cameras are monitored in real time, the chance of being caught (or, in security-speak “probability of detection”) is relatively low. It is not uncommon for thieves, once they have breached the initial security, to spend hours in a property looking for the most valuable assets to steal.
In addition to having the security guard verify the safety of the building, mobile security will often serve as a visual security deterrent. Many would-be intruders will case a building before they make the attempt. If they notice a marked security vehicle at the building on several occasions, it is quite possible that they will move on to softer targets.
There are many advantages to scheduling regular security patrols of the property. In addition to providing residents with the peace of mind that the property is being professionally managed, properly trained security professionals can act in a proactive manner to reduce or mitigate risk from building emergencies. A security guard, in the process of completing their rounds, discovering escaping water, can save a building thousands of dollars. Likewise, a professional security guard discovering a fire hazard, before a fire breaks out, can save both lives and money.
E-mail us to find out how 3D Security and Response Services can best protect your site.