- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 07, 2016
August is Condominium Security month at 3D Security Services (Tips and Tricks for Board of Directors and Property Managers)
As you may be aware, our core business at 3D Security Services is the supplying of security expertise (in audits, assessments, presentations and project management) to the Property Manager’s of Condominium Corporations as well as the Board of Directors that run these facilities. Our combination of practical experience, industry-education and professional designations (in Condominium Management, Physical Security and Project Management) uniquely position us to provide the very best recommendations while still operating within the authorization levels afforded by the Condominium Act, and the corporation`s Declaration & Bylaws.
Surprisingly, this high level of expertise and experience is not without challenges of its own. Due to the uniqueness of the combinations of our expertise, experience and knowledge, Managers and Board Members find it difficult to obtain true competing bids. As there is no other company other than 3D Security that offers the high level of professional expertise in Condominium Security, it becomes problematic for a board to seek proposals that truly compare ``apples to apples``.
In August, we will be presenting what we have discovered to be the trifecta of effective condominium security.
The three branches of this trifecta are: Integration, Education and Implementation.
During the month of August, we will be presenting a separate blog on each of these three subjects, including a definition, practical descriptions and examples, as well as security tips and recommendations that can be implemented on a building level that will help preserve the security integrity of the building.
As always, if you have any security questions that you would like us to answer in our blogs, kindly send an e-mail to [email protected]. Also, please sign up for our updates at the bottom of our home page at http://3dsecurityservices.com/