- Posted By Scott
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- Jul 22, 2016
If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else
The above quotation, which we believe to be paraphrased from Lewis Caroll, is a simplification of the adage:
Fail to plan? Then plan to fail...
In our experience, this rings particularly true when discussing the Physical Security System (PSS) in a property (like a condominium) where the system is not replaced but expanded over the years. This cycle starts at the beginning when a system is put in place.
When a developer commissions a facility, there is usually not an abundance of planning that is put into the PSS. Usually, their preferred contractor is awarded the contract and directed to put in an adequate system. At time (not always) this turns out to be whatever stock the supplier has on the shelves as they may be operating under strict timeliness to get the job completed.
Then we fast forward to the time where the condominium is under the management of the Board of Director. The usual tendency is to react to security events in a certain manner. This could be by installing a camera at the location of the event or maybe hiring a guard to patrol the building for a certain duration of time. While these are both valid responses, one is reactive and the other is temporary.
What is truly helpful is for the building to have an efficient PSS in place. An efficient PSS is one that integrates properly with the other systems in the building such as lighting, access control and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
The first step in ensuring this integration is to conduct a Security Assessment Report (also sometimes called a Security Audit or Threat and Risk Assessment). This report will analyze the current security system and make recommendations on how to strengthen the system. In 2016, 3D Security Systems has conducted this assessment on 6 different condominiums and the reaction in all cases has been a positive one as the Board of Directors are very appreciative of having a security expert who understands Condominium budgets and processes. We will be discussing the Assessment Report in more detail in future blogs.
When it comes time to implement the recommendations, this is when the Certified Security Project Manager (CSPM) is utilized. The CSPM designation is awarded by the SIA (Security Industry Association) after successfully passing an exhaustive exam. SIA defines the professional as follows:
The true value of the CSPM is recognized when making changes or additions to the PSS. If we use Security Cameras as an example, the CSPM is able to spec out the proper camera for each location. Too often we see the wrong cameras installed in improper locations. Either they are too powerful (meaning the corporation spent too much money on them) or they are not powerful enough (meaning that they are of limited (if any) use in the event of a security event. Also, the CSPM ensures that the camera is integrated properly into the PSS. We have seen decent cameras rendered useless because of lighting levels or placement.
In order to ensure that a building or projects security dollars are spent in the most effective and beneficial (to the inhabitants/residents) manner possible, we recommend that a security professional be consulted when making changes to the PSS. This demonstrates proper diligence on the part of management and will ensure that the facility is properly protected.
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