- Posted By Scott
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- Dec 31, 2020
Security Hint – The Superintendent is not Security
Although there is always value in synergy and being budget conscious by combining roles, it must be stated that a superintendent is not security for the condominium. While we would be the first to affirm that these hard-working individuals are important to the security of the building (usually they know the building, who should be there, what contractors should have access, etc.), our opinion is that they should not be put in a position of actively representing security of the building.
We have seen this recently in a rash of trespassing and break-ins where condominiums are expecting their superintendent to confront the trespasser and potentially escort them from the building. This can be problematic, as even the cautious approach can go sideways if the trespasser is in a state of (mental) imbalance.
There are additional concerns that will arise when expecting a superintendent to act in a security role. The nature of the superintendent position is that they roam the entire buildings from roof/mechanical rooms to the lower level of a parking lot, addressing maintenance concerns of the building. It is very difficult for them to do this and keep watch on the security of the building.
Also of concern is the training and job description of the superintendent. Is a security role listed in their job description and will their benefits protect them if they are injured fulfilling this duty? In Ontario, Security Guards have to be licenced and take a mandatory 40-hour course to obtain that licence. Many of the better security companies will offer additional training to their guards (such as use of force) for motivation, career building and to better service their clients.
Our Top-Three Recommendations to condominiums that do not have security is that they:
1. Instruct the superintendent to call the Police if they note a trespasser in the property and wait for them to arrive before confronting anyone.
2. Instruct residents to call the police, rather than the superintendent, if they have a developing security concern (i.e. someone in the building).
3. If having a guard on site is not in the condominium budget, investigate the cost of mobile patrols (during higher risk hours) of the property to ensure it is free from trespassers.
Please feel free to contact us at info@3dsecurityservices if we can help you with any of your condominium security needs