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  • Posted By Scott
  • |
  • Apr 04, 2020

Ottawa Security Company Should Monitor Crime Trends

The Department of Homeland Security has a famous saying: “if you see something, say something”. Even if you are not familiar with the saying, it is very applicable for today’s environment with many people going into self-isolation.

There is a CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) concept called “Natural Surveillance”. This concept means that, the more people watching (and saying something), the less likely a bad actor will commit a crime. With businesses closing and most of the population going into self-quarantine, there are less people around to see, report, and stop crimes from happening. This makes it more important for all of us to increase our efforts in keeping our neighbourhoods, homes, and investments safe.

Luckily, for Ottawa Security Companies, private security has been deemed an essential service, as per the update on April 3rd 2020, and will continue to work. However, security companies across Ontario (and perhaps Canada) are going to see a lack of security guards because all the testing centres have been closed. This means that there will be no new security guard licences issued.

How can everyone help?

We can keep our communities safe by reporting activity or anything suspicious to local law enforcement or your security company. In fact, the Ottawa Police have sent the following advice:

Please encourage the residents who approached you with these concerns to contact OPS should there be instances of disturbance or disorderly conduct, or any behavior leading someone to fear for their safety.

Senior officers and our Ottawa Police Strategic Operation Centre (OPSOC) analyze crime trends and social dynamics on a daily basis and calls from the public through standard reporting mechanisms are very much necessary in the planning of resource deployment.

So we very much recommend that you make reports to the police of any such problems.

If an urgent response is needed – please call 911. If not, but you have information about crime and disorder near your building, please send an online report.


In addition to reporting, statistics show that having the right, professional security presence in your facility is a deterrent and will greatly enhance the protection of your property.

If you are looking for an Ottawa Security company that is proud to employ professional and well-trained guards, please give us a call at 613-462-4086, or email us at: [email protected]