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  • Posted By Scott
  • |
  • Mar 28, 2020

Training as a Tool for Teamwork & Motivated Security Guards

In one of his Jack Reacher novels (The Hard Way), Lee Child has two retired military characters talking about levels of performance. One of them states “They used to be outstanding but now they are well on their way to being average. Plenty of experience and ability, but they don’t train anymore…. Back in the day, training was 99% of what we did…”

This is something that we take to heart at 3D Security Services; in order to maintain security excellence, we must continue to train. Unfortunately, there are security companies that currently view training as revenue opportunities, as they charge their own employees to take part in the training. We disagree with this practice as it may discourage some guards from attending if they are unable to afford it. Our reason behind this is that if you expect anyone to go out there and represent your company to the very best of his/her abilities, then you better make sure that they have the training and the tools to do the job properly.

When it comes to security training, we use the FIT formula:

Frequency: We encourage our guards to train with us once a month. In addition to keeping the skills fresh, this training builds confidence and creates teamwork within the unit.

Intensity: Just like you would not only practice Use of Force techniques against a person who is compliant, all training must be eventually practiced under realistic conditions. All our training, from Use of Force to First Aid to Tactical Communications, eventually takes place in full uniform and under less than ideal conditions.

Techniques: We are constantly looking for new training that we can bring the guards. These training sessions show that we value the hard work that they do and are actively looking for ways to make them better at what they do. Better at what they do = more respect and better job satisfaction. Some of the upcoming training includes: Control the Bleed & Effective Report Writing for Security Guards.

We take pride in the training that we provide our guards and are making great efforts to eliminate the perception of “ANY body will do” (common phrase “just send me a pulse and a uniform” ) when it comes to Security. 3D Security guards are well-trained to protect people, property, and assets - and we take pride in that fact.

If you are looking for professional, motivated security, we would love to hear from you!