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  • Posted By Scott
  • |
  • Mar 09, 2017

Security - The Days of Future-Past

In order to plan and implement effective protection for a facility, one must be a forward-focused visionary with an excellent memory. Although that may sound like a contradiction, proper facility security planning must incorporate aspects from both the future, and the past, of the building.

At 3D Security, we have had the opportunity to speak to property managers, boards of directors, owners, and tenants at many buildings in Ontario. Obviously, the major topic of discussion during these conversations was Security.

One question that we were asked at a recent event concerned the prioritization of security solutions. Paraphrased, the question was: if you had $7,000.00 in your security budget, where would it be most effectively invested? Cameras? Access control? Signage? Occupancy sensors?

Our response was to ask a question in return: “ If you had $100,000.00 in your bank account, would you invest it in elevators or a roof?” The answer was that the person would consult the Reserve Fund Study and see what was more urgently required, and perhaps consult with their engineer. We then told our questioner that they had just answered their own question.

A Security Audit is very much like a mini Reserve Fund Report that only focuses on the security of the building. With proper incorporation into the budget and reserve fund process, it provides a long range plan to address security in the many years to come. A somewhat humorous, albeit occasionally accurate, description that was put forth is that some buildings approach security as if it was a “piňata party”. They whack away, blindly and frantically, at an unseen target, hoping that they are even facing the right direction.

The above points address the future planning , but how does the past help us?

A wise person once said “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. From a security perspective, a building wants to use previous issues to predict future problems. In this manner, the future problems can be managed and solved before they materialize.

A standard security and property management procedure is to compile and file incident reports whenever an unusual or potentially legal issue arises. These reports usually contain useful information, but they can be filed in a manner that does not allow for the easy retrieval of that information. Information that is complicated to access is the same as not having any information at all.

The security audit will look at all the incidents that have occurred to ascertain if there is a pattern in facility vulnerabilities. The recommendations of the report will then both address the vulnerabilities than need to be resolved to protect the building, as well as provide feedback on the reporting mechanism within the property.

The takeaway for Property Managers & Board Members is:

1. Establish proper reporting processes so that reports contain all pertinent information.

2. Ensure that incident reports are properly reviewed for patterns.

3. Keep the information in a manner that allows for easy retrieval.

3D Security Services is proud to announce that they are currently offering free Incident Report Management to properties that have undertaken Security Assessments and Audits.

The compilation of information from different buildings and properties will allow for effective cross-referencing of any unwarranted activity. Reports provided to the property will allow for management to be aware of current trends in their area so that they may take proper steps to ensure the protection of the facility and the residents.

If you have any questions on Incident Reporting Management or would like information on how to enrol your property, kindly contact us at [email protected]